GBIF logtype


The GBIF Secretariat prepares an annual work programme within a five-year strategic framework that receives review and approval of the GBIF Governing Board.

The Governing Board is the means by which GBIF Participants make collective decisions. Currently meeting once a year, it consists of one representative from each Participant country and organization.

Only representatives from Voting Participant Countries (those countries making a financial contribution to GBIF’s central fund) have the right to vote on the Governing Board. Representatives from Associate Participants, both countries and organizations, are encouraged to attend the Governing Board and take part in its discussions, but may not vote.

The Governing Board has established Rules of Procedure, further elaborating on the provisions of the Memorandum of Understanding (MoU) regarding the structure of the board, meetings, requirements for participation and the establishment of subsidiary bodies.

GBIF Sweden Governance

GBIF Sweden, operating under the SBDI (Swedish Biodiversity Data Infrastructure), is governed by an independent Steering Committee (SC) comprised of seven representatives. These individuals possess extensive expertise in research and research infrastructure, both within Sweden and internationally.

The SC of SBDI is further supported by a Scientific Committee (SciC). The SciC consists of highly esteemed representatives from the biodiversity informatics and user communities on a global scale.

Moreover, the heads of all partner organizations within the SBDI consortium convene annually for a Stakeholder Assembly. During this assembly, they provide guidance to the SC and address common matters related to the overall administration of the SBDI consortium.

More information about the SBDI governance can be found at