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Strategic framework

GBIF has earned the reputation as the “most comprehensive, openly available…access point to known digital species occurrence data.” The interconnected challenges of biodiversity loss and climate change have increased the requirements and urgency for data to inform research, policy and decisions from local to global scales.

The mission of GBIF is to gather the necessary data, skills, and technologies to provide unrestricted access to comprehensive biodiversity information for scientific research and decision-making related to biodiversity conservation and sustainable development. This mission is supported by a set of core values that define and drive GBIF’s work. These values apply to the Secretariat, the global network of nodes, participants, data publishing institutions, and data users, collectively representing the global GBIF community.

  • Trust and Transparency: Expectations that all decisions and processes are open; that data is properly attributed and of the highest-possible quality; and that infrastructures are robust, documented and persistent
  • Collaboration and Collective Benefit: A recognition that only through a spirit of cooperation can we fulfill GBIF’s mission by sharing skills, data, tools and experiences, avoiding duplication, and growing a global community of practice
  • Diversity and Inclusiveness: A commitment to engage and welcome people of all nationalities, cultures, genders and backgrounds while recognizing all contributions to our global community
  • Innovation: An ambition to lead by example in advancing open science and data services and in adopting novel techniques for collaboration and learning, recognizing that simplicity is often the best means of reaching our goals
  • Integrity: An assurance that professional norms and scientific integrity are respected; and that data-sharing safeguards the rights of indigenous peoples and local communities as well as potential risks to sensitive species

GBIF acknowledges that biodiversity data encompasses more than just species occurrences in time and space. It involves understanding the interactions, co-occurrences, movements, and evolution of organisms. This recognition highlights the need for a wider range of data types to be supported by GBIF beyond what has been done so far.

Considering the growing number of stakeholders and the significance of GBIF’s impact, continued success requires attracting and engaging more individuals who are well-trained and willing to embrace GBIF’s mission. Additionally, GBIF is committed to meeting the needs of users, whether their requirements are simple or complex.

To achieve these goals, the strategic framework focuses on enhancing value and coherence through ongoing innovation that supports the GBIF community and adapts to its evolving needs. Building upon the foundation provided by the global network, the strategic priorities outlined below aim to address the data, people, and infrastructure necessary for improving our understanding, conservation, and restoration of biodiversity in all its intricate complexity.

Download the Strategic Framework 2023-2027 in PDF or PowerPoint formats

Annual Work Programmes relating to the Strategic Framework can be found at